Please read through the terms and conditions, then continue to book your first appointment through the booking form.

When you have a scheduled appointment, please download and sign a consent form to bring with you, if you’re unable to do so can provide you with one on arrival.

Terms and Conditions for Grooming, Appointments, Dematting, Privacy Policies

We will not be liable, or financially liable for your negligence to comply with any of the following terms and policies. If you do not agree to any of the following you may not be entitled to our services.

You must not bring the dog into the premises unless they have had a full vet check, vaccinated, flea, tick and worm treated, microchipped; or with any health issues that may infect or be passed onto other dogs; and must inform us of medical issues that could induce stress from grooming.

You will be required to fill out your details form (found on the booking page) and a consent form before commencing an appointment.

Please do not enter the building without an appointment or contacting us first. This is so we do not excite / upset the dog and the grooming process. We kindly ask you to not to tap on the window for the same reasons. Contact us, or fill out a form for an enquiry or an appointment.

You must bring your dog securely and safely inside the premises with a lead. We will not be responsible for the dog if it does not have a collar, harness or lead that is not secure. The premises is next to two busy roads, again we will not be liable if you let your dog run into the road.

Please find appropriate parking, as outside the premises there is a double yellow line. You may be able to park very quickly for 5 mins to drop off the dog, but there are parking wardens around, so it will be under your discretion.

Please make sure your dog has had even a small walk and a chance to relieve themselves before coming to the appointment. Dogs with pent up energy and a full bowel can cause behavioural issues on the grooming table, as they are uncomfortable. Although we know dogs have anxious accidents from time to time, we can tell the difference between when the dog has not been to the toilet properly and when it has an anxious accident. If your dog does go to the toilet outside of our premises please pick it up and discard it properly. 

Late, Missed Appointments and Cancellation Policy

We would like to provide a quality, individualised service to customers in a timely manner. No-shows, late shows and cancellations will not not only inconvenience us, but also other customers who already have appointments.

Please only arrive 5-10 minutes early (not earlier unless agreed upon), or arrive on time for your appointment. Maddison or Dani will be ready to greet you on your arrival. You will be allowed a 10 minutes grace period. Please let us know if you will be 5-10 minutes late arriving. 

If you are 15-20 minutes late, and provided the dog is in a regular and not matted condition you may be allowed a Wash and Tidy service instead, but will still be charged for the allotted time of a full groom. 

Please be courteous and contact us at least 24-48 hours before if you are unable to make an appointment. We hope you would respect that a cancelled appointment is a loss to business and might not be filled. If you give us 24 hours notice, and you rebook will be charged a £20 fee. You may pay this as soon as possible via online or in the salon.

If you miss an appointment without cancelling or contacting us. It will be recorded as ‘no-show’. This includes after an hour of a missed appointment, and if you fail to contact us that day. You will be expected to pay the full groom. 

We understand that sometimes mistakes are made, and that there are also emergencies, we will be empathetic and sympathetic. We will try to help with rearranging and come to agreements if necessary. If missed appointments become common recurrences, it might result in not being possible to rebook you for further appointments, due to unreliability, and inconveniencing the business, and disruption for other customers. 

When the dog is dropped off for the appointment you consent to leaving the dog in our care. You will not need to stay, as this will be a distraction for the dog. We need to build a good relationship and routine with the dogs to get the groom done well. Please do not arrive early for collection, or look through the window and distract the dog. Arrive on time, unless we contact you for less or more time. If you will be late collecting your dog, please let us know. It must be no more than 20 mins, as we may have other dogs that might feel anxious around other dogs. Unless a later time is agreed upon, or in ‘emergency situations’, you may be charged a ‘Late Fee’ of £4 every 30 mins.

Dematting Policy

We Groom Humanley. Our Priority and Duty is The Welfare of the Dogs.

A £6 Charge will be added to groom for very/ severely matted dogs. Please consider the matting is uncomfortable for the dogs and they may try to bite. As an intervention we may have to use a muzzle to protect ourselves and the dog from harm. Matting also damages the blades and scissors.

We will only de-mat a coat if it is small manageable amounts and will be easily removed; and most importantly we feel the dog will not suffer any great discomfort or pain. 

By law it must take under 15 minutes to demat. If matting is in large areas / clumps or attached to the skin, this will require shorter comb attachments or shaving to remove comfortably from the dog. Severely matted dogs will be shaved off. 

Dematting can be lengthy and cause the dogs tremendous stress and discomfort, often heavy dematting can result in a very thinned and damaged coat. Shaving the coat is a quicker and gentler relief on the dogs, and considerably an act of kindness.

Animal Welfare Act 2006 states that it is against the law to cause unnecessary suffering to animals. When dogs are matted it is unnecessary suffering, and to remove it without causing suffering, discomfort or pain, is to remove it by shaving, so there is no pulling of the skin.

Long-term matting will prevent the skin from breathing properly and can lead to or be hiding many skin conditions/ problems:

  • Hot Spots / Sores /Skin Rash / Eczema 

  • Severe Itching

  • Fleas / Parasites / Mites / Lice / Maggots

  • Fungal and bacterial infection

  • Yeast Infections

  • Urine and Faeces Scalding

  • Eye and Ear Infections

  • Discolouration / Staining

  • Grass Seeds / Thorns / Burs

Dogs may have tried to chew their skin in an effort to alleviate irritation that is inflamed. The dogs may also continue to bite and scratch their skin after shaving off the matting, as to relieve further discomfort. Very matted coats can be heavy and hot, therefore when they are removed, some find this new sensation strange and may take time to adapt to the feeling. The removal of a weighted matting on a dog’s ears may cause ear-shaking and scratching, leading to Haematoma (rupturing of small blood-vessels) in the ear. You will need to watch for this. Mostly the dogs will feel lighter, cooler and refreshed. 

You may not like the dog's new look, but they will feel 100% better, which is the most important thing. The hair will also grow back quickly in a matter of weeks.

It is the dog owner's duty of care to groom the dogs in between professional grooms. If the dog has had to be shaved after grooming, don't wait until your dog is knotted and matted again. Please book regular appointments in advance, to ensure your dog always feels good and well cared for. This could also save you possible unnecessary veterinary bills. We are always happy to advise on correct grooming brushes, tools, products and how to use them. We can also advise on what not to do. By using the information correctly it may help to keep your dog in better conditions between grooming. 

Grooming and Injuries Policy

You must let us know about any skin allergies. Our aim is to use sustainable, sensitive, cruelty free products on all the dogs, so there will be minimal risk for an allergic reaction. We will inform you of which brand of products we are using, but we can not guarantee that your dog's skin might not react to the products, and we will not be liable. You’re more than welcome to bring in a preferred shampoo and conditioner that is suitable to your dog's needs.

Let us know about dietary requirements. We will show you what treats we have available and ask permission to give them. The treats will be used minimally and for positive reinforcements. Please tell us if you would not like us to use treats, or please bring preferred treats suitable for your dog.

It is your duty to inform us of any important information medically or behaviorally we need to know about your dog. It may affect the way we groom the dog, and how it may behave when being groomed. We will also inform you of any concerns we have about your dog medically or behaviorally. We will not be financially or medically liable for any health problems we find on the dog, or any prior (to the appointment) long or short term health problems or injuries. If the dog does incur an accidental injury during our care, if it is an emergency, we will take the dog to our registered vet, but we will not be liable for medical cost or billing.

If your dog is anxious we will try our best to do things calmly and work with what’s best for the dog as possible. If the dog does not like something we will try to comfort the dog and work through getting the process done humanely. In circumstances where the dog will bite, we will have to use a muzzle. If the dog is only aggressive for one part of the groom but fine for the rest of the groom, we will only use a muzzle for that duration. If the dog shows minor aggression, we may advise that you get sedation from your vet, for the grooming to continue. But if the dog shows very aggressive behaviour and is a danger to us, others and themselves, we reserve the right not continue to groom the dog. It would be advised to seek professional help / training and sedation. Grooming aggressive dogs may incur an extra charge of £6.

You must not bring your dog into the premises if it has or had fleas recently. Make sure your dog is fully flea treated before coming in. If you are unaware and we find fleas on your dog during consultation, we will ask you to politely leave and rebook for another time. If the fleas haven’t been detected until the start of the grooming process, we will let you know and we will give the dog a flea bath. It will be recommended that the dog goes shorter, for you to be able to treat the dog further.

There will be a £12 Charge extra to the groom, the flea shampoo will have to sit on the body for extra time. We will also have to clean and sanitise all grooming equipment and areas affected. We will recommend a flea shampoo, and buying a flea bomb for your house to kill the fleas that might be still living in any bedding or soft areas of your house. If you have any other animals, make sure to have them checked too.

Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning: is a toothbrush that will emit high frequency waves of ultrasound and combined with the special toothpaste, that will help to break down / soften the plaque. It will then require a dental tool to remove the softened plaque. You will need to consent to using the toothbrush and the dental tool. We will assess the dog's mouth and decide if it is possible to carry out this procedure. We will not do the procedure if we think that the dog needs a professional veterinary assessment. If we think it is possible we will test to see if the dog will tolerate this procedure before going ahead with a full session. We cannot guarantee that the dog will cooperate with this procedure, and will discontinue if they show any signs of discomfort, or aggression. 

We cannot guarantee that the plaque will be removed in one to two sessions, it may require more. It is usual for the gums to bleed small amounts from the gums being moved. We will not be held accountable for any accidents caused by ourselves or the dog. You will be liable for any medical attention and bills the dog may need.

You must inform us if your dog is or isn't neutered. This may affect the dog behaviourally.

You must let us know if your dog is in season. We need to know, as it can change the dog behaviorally, they can become sensitive and hormonal during this time. There could be other dogs in the premises at the same time, and this could also affect other dogs' behaviour. It is advised to get your dog groomed before or after seasons, not during. But it is under your discretion as to whether to bring your dog in season.

We will not be giving pregnant dogs full grooms. It is important not to put the dog under any unnecessary stress during pregnancy, as it can result in abortion of the babies. So you should always consider having a groom before pregnancy starts, and make sure the groom is shorter in preparation for long weeks ahead.


All prices are estimates, and will differ according to grooming requirements, circumstances and charges mentioned in the Terms and Conditions, and Pricing list. Prices will be subject to change on an upward basis in accordance with businesses financial costs.

Privacy Policy

The information you provide us will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. We will obtain information by you speaking to us directly, or contacting us through the phone, text, whatsapp, website and social media.

The following information we will collect:

  • Your title, full names

  • Contact information: email address and telephone numbers

  • Demographic information: address, postcode

  • All information collected and written about your dog

  • Other information relevant to customer enquiry

  • Photos of your dog

We require this information for record keeping; to be able to contact you normally and incase of emergencies; so we can tailor the service to you and your dog's needs. 

If we find medical / health problems with your dog, we will take photos to send to you as evidence, and for you to show your vet.

We will also take promotional photos for the website and social media, but will ask for your consent to post them.

We are committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. We will not share your information with the public or other businesses / companies, but you must consent to putting your information into the forms on the website and / or on paper to be stored in an online or physical database. We will keep your information safe in a security protected software and hard-drive or a physically locked storage.

In an emergency or emergency medical situation, you consent to us sharing information about yourself and your dog to a local veterinary practice, or local authority. 

Website Terms and Conditions

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. By browsing and using this website, you are agreeing to comply, and be bound by policies, and the following terms and conditions of use. Do not use the website if you disagree with any part of the terms and conditions or policies on the website.

  • The content of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.

  • Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and  expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  • Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.

  • This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to Little Wolves Grooming Spa. l.t.d. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.

  • Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.

  • From time to time this website may also include links to other websites or social media. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that I endorse the website(s). I have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).