“Amber has loved being groomed at Pooch Perfect by Maddison since she was a puppy. She’s a nervous little dog but Maddison always greets her so gently and affectionately and Amber clearly loves her. Maddison does a fantastic job with Amber’s groom every month, she takes time to make sure everything is neat and tidy and Amber runs out very happily looking and smelling beautiful! Thank you!”

Carys - Amber, Australian Labradoodle

“Maddison has been grooming my dog Alfie for a number of years. She is absolutely brilliant at her craft. Alfie adores her, he is always happy to go in for his groom and looks so smart when I pick him up. So many people admire Alfie when we are out walking and ask me who grooms him. Thank you Maddison. Caroline”

Caroline - Alfie, Cockerpoo

“I’ve always found Maddison chatty & friendly & you handle Susie with kindness & care. Her grooming is very good, always paying close attention to detail & you always discuss Susie’s needs before she starts.Nothing seems too much trouble, always happy to adapt to any changing situation and Maddison stays calm even when the job becomes stressful!!’

Melanie - Susie, Cockerpoo